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Our vision is to be the trusted guide in the world of outdoor sports and adventure – for you and generations to come. 

Doing right for the planet

From thriving oceans, wild rivers and up to glaciated peaks, we all – from the smallest to largest species – depend on the web of life. Suunto and our community of divers and outdoor lovers understand there’s no adventure without it. Protecting our playground is our shared responsibility.

We know we are not perfect, but we are committed to be better.

Walking the talk

Suunto has been a trusted companion in the outdoors since 1936. We make long-lasting and repairable products to minimize waste and the environmental impact. We use 100% renewable energy at our factory and HQ in Finland, which has resulted in minimal emissions in our own operations since 2021.

To understand the climate impact of our products, we calculate the lifetime carbon footprint of new watches through life cycle assessments. We also offset these emissions identified.

We work towards minimizing our impact through better materials in products and packaging, efficient production processes and encourage our community to contribute through more sustainable everyday choices.

Read more from our Sustainability reports:

Sustainability report 2023
Sustainability report 2022
Sustainability report 2021

Better together


A holistic approach to sustainability aims to increase positive effects, not just reduce negative ones. These are called, respectively, our handprint and footprint. We aim to tread lightly, and be a force for good. 

We believe in the power of community. Together, we can affect change by raising our voices and taking real action. Our ambassadors care as much as we do.

Page updated 08/2024